Momentum Is Growing!


We are at 50% capacity for the event with two months to go. I’m so excited that people are seeing the value in this event and are partnering with us to make it happen.

akron zoo

Area businesses and family attractions (like Cedar Point and the Akron Zoo!) are being extremely generous and donating tickets and family passes for our raffles!

If you’re planning to come to the summit, be sure to get there early to enter the raffles! Bring a friend for an extra chance to win!


Why You Should Attend The Young Mom Summit

I’m too chubby, I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror. I was six days post-partum, and I was debating whether my self-esteem was high enough for me to go back to class and take my final exam like I had discussed with my professors.

My stomach was still round and full. As a first-time mother, I had been under the mistaken impression that I would “snap back” much faster. They’re going to still think I’m pregnant, I thought, as I considered how my classmates might react to my return to the classroom.

Of course, no one said anything when I went to take my final and I went on to get a 4.0 that semester.

When I think back to being pregnant in college and how clueless I was about my rights as a student or what resources were available, it’s amazing I graduated at all. I’ve learned so much about what it means to be resilient during that time of my life and I always said that if I had the opportunity to give back and help other young parents, I would do it.

The Young Mom Summit is my opportunity to give back.

Too often, young parents struggle to find the support they seek, even when it’s available in the community and in their own families. My goal is to help young parents connect those dots, and have a little fun while doing it.

The summit is a half day full of workshops, fun giveaways, raffles and friend-making. No one makes it through parenthood alone and if it takes a village, then let’s take the first step in creating one.

If you’re interested in coming to the summit (it’s FREE!), you can register here. Tell a friend. You know a young mother in Northeast Ohio (or nearby areas)? Send her this link. Share it on Facebook. Tweet the link. We appreciate your support.